Thursday 20 November 2014

Ryan's Fiery Roasted Salsa

If you like delicious, spicy salsa, this one's for you!

This recipe is courtesy of Ryan Marchand.

10 Roma tomatoes, sliced in half longitudinally
6 Jalapeno peppers, sliced in half longitudinally with seeds
2-3 Habanero peppers, sliced in half longitudinally with seeds
1 large or 2 medium white onions, sliced
Salt and pepper

1 bunch/bushel of cilantro leaves
4-5 cloves of garlic
Juice from 2 limes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Slice tomatoes in half longitudinally, and cut the middle hard triangle section out of the center of each tomato.

Place all the tomato halves on a baking sheet, middle side up.

Slice the jalapeno and habanero peppers longitudinally, leaving the seeds in, and slice the onion(s).  Place those on a baking sheet as well. 

Put salt and pepper on all of the vegetables on each baking sheet.

*If you don't want the salsa to be as spicy, remove the seeds from half of the peppers.

Place each baking sheet in the oven at 350 degrees, for 15-20 minutes or until tender.  

While the vegetables are roasting, pull the leaves off of the cilantro, and peel the garlic.

When you take the vegetables out of the oven, they should be soft enough where the outside peel of the tomato can slide off, however do not peel them off.  Place the roasted vegetables, along with the cilantro and garlic into a blender.

Squeeze the juice out of the two limes and add more salt and pepper into the contents in the blender.

Blend until desired consistency, and chill overnight.

Finished salsa!

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