Saturday 20 December 2014

Belching Beaver Brewery: Horchata Imperial Stout - San Diego, CA

I have tried Belching Beaver's "Peanut Butter Stout" in the past and enjoyed it, so when I came across this "Horchata Imperial Stout" I was eager to try it!  I am a huge horchata fan, and get it almost everywhere I go that has it, so of course I HAD to give this one a taste...

However... I was disappointed...
Not only did it not have any hint of horchata flavor, but it had a very harsh stout flavor that I did not enjoy.  I was able to drink it, however I will not be buying this again...sorry Belching Beaver, you did not win me over with this one! I'll stick to the Peanut Butter Milk Stout.

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